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Code Signing - Apple OS X

  • Assinatura digital das aplicações de escritório da apple

  • Mostra a seus clientes que podem descarregar seu código e conteúdos sem perigo

DigiCert Code Signing - Apple OS X permite assinar todos os tipos de software Mac OS X e suas atualizações. Usando o código certificado de assinatura para o código garante que os usuários de que eles vêm de uma fonte confiável e não foram alteradas desde que foram assinados.
Na prática, isto significa que não aparecerá qualquer mensagem de aviso cada vez que você executar a atualização do aplicativo.
Use assinatura de código Apple OS X para assinar software a:
  • Provar a sua identidade e fazer os usuários confiar em seus produtos;
  • Dar garantia de que o software não foi modificado após a assinatura do certificado;
  • Mostrar aos usuários que o software é seguro para baixar e instalá-los;
  • Proteger a sua marca;
  • Evite diálogos de confirmação irritantes.
DigiCert Code Signing Certificados de Assinatura são muito populares e confiável por uma ampla tocou de clientes e indústrias. Descubra o quanto você pode ganhar com a assinatura de DigiCert Code Signing- Apple OS X.

Mais informações

Baixar um arquivo pdf com informações detalhadas sobre os produtos neste grupo.


Outros certificados deste emissor:

DigiCert Code Signing - Microsoft Authenticode R$ 2 162.29
DigiCert Secure Site R$ 1 955.84
DigiCert Secure Site Wildcard SSL R$ 10 034.08

Outros certificados Code Signing:

DigiCert Code Signing - OTHER R$ 530.17
DigiCert Code Signing - Sun Java R$ 2 110.81
DigiCert Code Signing - Microsoft Authenticode R$ 2 162.29

Produtos similares:

DigiCert EV Code Signing R$ 2 960.29

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They will make it possible to collect information on how to use the website. These files will allow us to count visits and traffic sources to our site, so we can measure and improve its performance, as well as find out which pages are the most and least popular, and understand how visitors navigate our site. They help us analyze website performance and collect synthetic information. Example: We can make heatmaps, so we know which content is readable and which is not, and this allows for better website design. Thanks to them, we can also see which blog entries were read more often and which less often, which allows us to develop more interesting content. The main tool we use is Google Analytics.


It is social platform cookies that will enable you to be associated with your social media accounts. You can share content from our website there. Social network files (from third parties, such as Facebook) collect information to provide personalized advertising content. For example: Ads on your social media are better suited to you and you reduce the chance of seeing excess ads for already purchased services or products.


These are files related to the operation of marketing automation systems and ad accountability. Thanks to them, we limit, for example, the number of views of a given advertisement. They also allow us to perform comparative tests, thanks to which we constantly improve the operation of our website. By testing multiple page layouts, it is easier to get one that provides the best readability for users. Communication also becomes more personalized. For example, we may give you an article on how to find a domain name when we see that you are looking for a domain and it is difficult for you to find a suitable name. We can also, for example, show you a hint about logging in, if we see several unsuccessful attempts in a row. Based on the information from these cookies and activity on other websites, your interest profile is built. We mainly use the Google and Facebook advertising network.